February 21 – going on 22

Yes friends, it’s pitch black dark outside because we’re quickly approaching midnight – but I’m not tired, I have Gilmore Girls on in the background and Boyfriend is sleeping. So I thought this would be the perfect time to catch up on my blogging – I’ve been such a  lousy blogger. I’m reading blogs everyday but posting have just seemed to be way much of a challenge.

OK, so I was away for a week (canary islands baby), then I got sick, worked, traveled again (this time to Germany, for Fasching/Faschnacht) then I got sick again… pretty intense weeks you could say. But now I’m starting to feel like myself again, energized with just a touch of sniffles.

A few belated outfit posts. Please ignore the green socks, at work they were fully covered by my boots…

I wore this for work on Tuesday, the black peplum jacket is more like a cardigan – all soft and warm – wich is perfect for the lingering winter weather we’re having. I am a bit tired of black and neutrals but I have so few colorful clothes in winter appropriate fabrics.
Jacket – Armani Exchange, T-shirt (can’t remember), Necklace by my friends mother (I will show you it in detail in a later outfit post)

Wednesdays outfit, for work. Had a meeting with my co-workers and boss. Afterwards I was pretty much sent home since my cold was getting worse.  I love this skirt immensely, it works with just about anything. And wearing a blouse underneath a cardigan makes me feel preppy and sweet – but not too cute.

Ok, so even though I felt pretty bad at work, I went out that same night. Only because Boyfriend wanted to take me out to dinner, something we haven’t been able to do for a pretty long time. Both of us were looking forward to it so much that I  didn’t want to cancel it, and I really did feel better. Got worse the day after but I guess we all make mistakes. Thankfully, I can do some of my work from home and was able to do a little despite being sick.

Sorry for the bad lightning, I took this picture when it was pretty dark outside, and with a flash it just looked awful.  The dress is from French Connection, necklace H&M and bracelet Bianco.

I am actually starting to feel a bit inspired to put together outfits again, even though it’s still freezing cold outside. Feels good to be back 😉

2 kommentarer

Under Looks, work

2 svar till “February 21 – going on 22

  1. Welcome back =) You look adorable and I love the green socks lol!

  2. Yay Gilmore Girls!! I love the maroon skirt!

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